Online Board Evaluation
Every Board has a responsibility to its stakeholders to ensure the organisation is being operated and governed in a responsible and efficient manner. Without some formal process for assessing the Board, it can be impossible to ascertain in an unbiased way how the Board is actually performing.
With this in mind, Governance Ireland has developed a number of industry specific online Board Evaluation Services, which will allow Boards to establish where they stand relative to best practice, with a relatively short turnaround time (10 days on average).
2 Online Board Evaluation Service Packages for the following sectors
Every Board has a responsibility to its stakeholders to ensure the organisation is being run and being governed in a responsible and efficient manner. For Public Sector Boards there is the added responsibility of ensuring the organisation complies with all governance provisions of its own constitution document(s) and any other relevant statutory or administrative requirements. Without some formal process for assessing the Board, it can be impossible to ascertain in an unbiased way how the Board is actually performing.
Every Board has a responsibility to its stakeholders to ensure the organisation is being run and being governed in a responsible and efficient manner. For private sector Boards there is the added responsibility of ensuring that your organisation complies with all relevant provisions while maintaining profitability. Without some formal process for assessing the Board, it can be impossible to ascertain in an unbiased way how the Board is actually performing.
Is energy and time focused in the right areas
Is your Board strategic enough in its thinking and execution
Do individual Board members know what is expected of them
Has your Board the appropriate competencies and skills
Does your Board exercise effective oversight of organisation performance and risk
Has your Board got the correct dynamic
Is Board dynamic appropriate
Are Board Committees working effectively
Is the organisation engaging effectively with its stakeholders
Where could the Board do better
Package 1 – Standard
Governance Ireland has developed this package which will allow the Board organisation to establish where it stands relative to best practice, with a relatively short turnaround time (10 days on average). Package includes initial set-up of the survey to completion of the report, with 40% payable at time of booking and 60% on completion of the report. The standard survey entails:
- Completion and return of online survey by Board members, accessed by web-link
- Analysis of results by Governance Ireland’s expert team and preparation of summary results report
- Short commentary by Governance Ireland highlighting strengths and weaknesses and suggesting action points for Board consideration
Package 2 – Premium
Package includes initial set-up of the survey to completion of the report, with 40% payable at time of booking and 60% on completion of the report. The Survey will assist you in answering the above sample questions, under the following broad themes:
- Strategic Leadership
- Performance of Chairman / Board Meetings
- Board Composition
- Board Processes
- Controlling the Organisation
- Stakeholder Engagement
The premium service is specifically tailored to the organisation and probes a number of further themes. In addition, it offers:
- Individual Board member evaluation
- Individual Committee Evaluation
- More detailed commentary